

Hello, my name is blahblahblah. Welcome to my territory. Replace this stupid nonsense with your overview/welcome speech. I mean, notes. Peace :)


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Trial PMR..?
Friday, August 31, 2012 | 2 comments
So how PMR korang? Opps. Belum PMR lagi lahh. There are stil 2 weeks more. Ohh noo ! Okay, Trial amacam? Aku ? Boleh lahh.. Kalau ikut jabatan, 7A 1B 1C.. Semard betul markah aku bila ade huruf C tuh.. Weyy ! Tolong lah aku !! Sc tuh ! Suusaahhh.. -.-' Oh tidakk ! Nothing is impossible, right? So, senang je resepinya kalau nak dapat A dalam Sains.. Block FB, block Blog, block Fone. Ehh? Sanggup ke? Hmm. Macam susah jee.. :( Takpe2, berkorban.. Tinggal 5 minggu je kita nak habiskan pengorbanan kita belajar selama 9 tahun untuk jawab PMR yg hanya seminggu.. Fuyyoo ! Seminggu je? Je? HAHA ! Oke daaa.. Nak mentelaah buku Sains nih sampai muntah..

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